that's it. i'm done. we're done.
after 11 years of formal education, for which we have dedicated our whole lives -- finally, it ended.
it's wildly ludicrous how these few weeks could decide your worthiness of time along these years. when i was in primary school, i could not even picture myself being in high school. depictions shown in movies and tv shows have convinced me of the stressful and dramatic life in high school thus indoctrinating a pessimistic notion in me. how wrong was i, high school was the best era of my life. it may not be full of rainbows and candies, but from damage comes wisdom, it definitely painted the best portrait of my self-journey.
now i have completed a prominent chapter in the book of my life. nevertheless, it took a few months before i could finally move to the next chapter. going through that period prospectively, it seemed like a long-drawn-out. but now looking back, nothing much happened and more could've been done. the "holiday paradox" couldn't be more conspicuous here. however, these few months are not for us to be the best but it is for us to learn to be our best selves.
"from damage comes wisdom"
here is one of the lessons that i've learned...
"tak kenal maka tak cinta" - loosely translated to "not knowing is not loving"
i still recall the first time i came upon this Malay proverb. "cinta? eww", the whole class mumbled as Cikgu Zurina writes the proverb on the whiteboard.
i think a great portion of us were raised with the idea that love is forbidden for us as a kid to be involved and is only reserved for our family and among adults.
never once we were taught that love is an integral part of our lives -- it connects us in a magical way that can create harmony, joy and prosperity.
but it is also incredibly fragile. a scratch on its facet can cause bloodshed, chaos and destitution.
hence, it is of utmost importance for us to care for and love others, but most importantly to ourselves.
"tak kenal maka tak cinta"
introspect, explore yourself in and out. so you can love yourself. and know that the difference between self-centred or self-love is not fine-drawn.
self-love is appreciating your unique self and taking care of your well-being while developing yourself as a person.
selfish on the other hand is prioritising yourself over collective interest (mostly at the expense of others) and imposing yourself as the main actor in everyone else's story.
self-love is the key to unleashing your inner potential.
according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-love (similar to "esteem") is the close fundamental in the steps to achieve self-actualization. and to achieve self-actualization is to live a prosperous life both materially and spiritually.
hence, explore. identify yourself among the pool of diverse humans. find your hobbies, layout your future plans, and then you will realise how much you are like everyone else, but like no other person.
you are like everyone else, but like no other person.